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Dog Boarding Terms & Conditions for Sussex Petsitters
Sussex Petsitters (A trading name of Sussex County Dog Training Ltd)​

  1. Submission of a Booking Form will confirm the owner/s acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and their confirmation to progress with a Booking. Once you have received the confirmation we must receive the 25% non-refundable deposit within 48hrs. 

  2. The remaining 75% balance will need to be paid 28 days prior to your animal's board. The board will not go ahead until the balance payment has been received. Payments can be made to us via your Portal Link (by card) or by Bacs. 

  3. Cancellations must be notified to Sussex Pet Sitters in writing/via email. Deposits are non-refundable. There is an admin charge of £50 per booking for any cancellations to cover our administration costs. Should you cancel within 28 days of the start of your animal's care then our cancellation policy is as follows: 28 days - 15 days notice 50% of the remaining balance is payable, 14 days - 8 days notice 75% of the remaining balance is payable, 7 days - 1 day notice 90% of the remaining balance is payable, 0 days notice 100% payable.

  4. Full details of our balance cancellation policy can be found at the bottom of all booking forms on our website

  5. Services over Bank Holiday periods will incur additional costs. 25, 26, 31 December and 1 January will be charged at 2 x the normal daily rate, other bank holidays will be charged at 1.5 the normal daily rate. 

  6. Once a board has been confirmed your animal may be required to undertake a trial overnight stay at the prospective carers' house. This will be arranged at a mutually convenient time and will be charged accordingly. If the trial night is not successful your boarding deposit is refundable.     

  7.  All future bookings must be made through Sussex Pet Sitters for animal care with our carers.

  8. You agree to provide full and detailed information in the Booking Form about your animal/s and during your continued use of Sussex Pet Sitters services, you agree to keep us informed of any changes to your animal/s Booking Form.

  9. All dogs/cats must be up to date with their vaccinations, worming, tick and flea treatments. You must provide the carer with the vaccination booklet at the start of each board. You further agree to deliver your dog in a clean condition.

  10. All dogs must be microchipped and the microchip number must be supplied to Sussex Pet Sitters for a board to commence

  11. Your carer will give consideration to weather conditions, excess heat, thunderstorms and gale-force winds and will reflect the care accordingly.  

  12. In the event of an emergency if the carer is unable to proceed with the board we will endeavour to transfer the board to another carer. We reserve the right at our discretion to cancel the booking and refund your deposit without any liability to Sussex Pet Sitters.

  13. We are unable to accept dogs with aggression problems towards other dogs or people and are subject to the terms of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

  14. We are happy to accept bookings for un-spayed bitches, however, if you believe your dog is due into season during her board you must inform us at the time of booking. If the chosen carer is not happy to accept your bitch in season we will endeavour to transfer the board. If we are unable to do so we will cancel as per the terms in section 3.

  15. We generally do not accept non-castrated males over the age of 1 year, exceptions can be made on request.

  16. You agree to supply enough food for the duration of your animal's board plus food bowls, bedding, lead and any toys which will help your animal to settle. If insufficient food is supplied at the start of the board you agree to refund the carer or Sussex Pet Sitters costs incurred purchasing more food.

  17. If your dog causes damage to the carer's home or belongings, other than reasonable tear and wear, you agree to reimburse any reasonable cost incurred by the carer in this event.

  18. If you collect your animal before the confirmed end date of the board you will not receive a refund.

  19. If your dog is aggressive, bites or is destructive during its board it may be moved to another boarder or transferred to a kennel and a transfer fee of £20.00 will be payable by yourself upon your return. There will be no refund of the boarding fees you have paid to Sussex Pet Sitters and any additional fees charged by the kennels will be payable by you.

  20. The emergency contact you supply on the booking form must be someone available in the UK whilst you are on holiday who will be able to act on your behalf should we not be able to reach you; and potentially collect your dog in the unlikely event that the need should arise. If the contact is not available Sussex Pet Sitters reserves the right to consult with a veterinary surgeon and then make a decision which is in the best interests of the animal.

  21. Sussex Pet Sitters and/or the carer will use all care to ensure the happiness, safety and welfare of your animal/s. If however your animal becomes unwell or has an accident during its board we will take them to the Arun Veterinary Group. You agree to be responsible for the payment of veterinary fees incurred upon your return. We do recommend that your animal is insured against sickness, accident, injury and third-party liability prior to the start of the board. The booking form gives the carer authorisation to take your animal/s to the Vet's, including for treatment for external parasites, if necessary, whilst also confirming you will either reimburse the carer or Sussex Pet Sitters any fees or pay the Veterinary Surgery directly, which-ever applies.

  22. Although we make every effort to ensure your animal/s is cared for to our usual high standards we cannot be liable for loss, injury or death inside or outside of the home.

  23. Photos taken of your animal/s during the board will be the property of Sussex Pet Sitters and the carer and may be shared on our website and social media sites. Should you not wish for your animals photos to be shared please let us know. Please note no details of your animal's exact holiday location will be given out, the security of animals is paramount.




Dog Walking Terms & Conditions for Sussex Petsitters

Sussex Petsitters (A trading name of Sussex County Dog Training Ltd)​​

  1. Submission of a Booking Form will confirm the owner/s acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and their confirmation to progress with a Booking. 

  2.  All future bookings must be made through Sussex Pet Sitters for animal care.

  3. Payments can be made to us via your Portal Link (by card) or by Bacs. 

  4. Cancellations must be notified to Sussex Pet Sitters by phone/via email. There will be a 100% cancellation charge if you cancel on the same day of the service (dog walk or small animal visits).

  5. Full details of our cancellation policy can be found on our website  

  6. You agree to provide full and detailed information in the Booking Form about your animal/s. During your continued use of Sussex Pet Sitters services you agree to keep us informed of any changes to your animal/s care and needs.

  7. All dogs/cats must be up to date with their vaccinations, worming, tick and flea treatments. You must provide the carer with the vaccination booklet at the start of the service.

  8. All dogs must be microchipped and the microchip number must be supplied to Sussex Pet Sitters for service to commence

  9. Your carer will give consideration to weather conditions, excess heat, thunderstorms and gale-force winds and will reflect the care accordingly.  

  10. In the event of an emergency if the carer is unable to proceed with the service we will endeavour to transfer the service to another carer. We reserve the right at our discretion to cancel the booking and refund you without any liability to Sussex Pet Sitters.

  11. Should Sussex Pet Sitters deem you and your dog's actions or behaviour incompatible with the ethics of SPS we reserve the right to remove services.

  12. We are unable to accept dogs with aggression problems towards other dogs or people and are subject to the terms of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

  13. We are happy to accept bookings for un-spayed bitches, however, if your dog is in season during the booked service you must inform us as soon as you are aware. We do not walk in-season bitches but can offer a pop-in service. 

  14. You agree to supply the appropriate equipment for your animal for the service requested, including an identification tag for dog walking.   

  15. If your dog causes damage to the Dog Walkers vehicle then you will be charged for any costs. 

  16. If your dog is aggressive, bites or is destructive during its service we reserve the right to return it to its home.

  17. The emergency contact you supply on the booking form must be someone available in the UK whilst you are on holiday or at work who will be able to act on your behalf should we not be able to reach you; and potentially collect your dog in the unlikely event that the need should arise. If the contact is not available Sussex Pet Sitters reserves the right to consult with a veterinary surgeon and then make a decision which is in the best interests of the animal.

  18. Sussex Pet Sitters and/or the carer will use all care to ensure the happiness, safety and welfare of your dog/s. If however your dog becomes unwell or has an accident during its service we will take them to the Arun Veterinary Group. You agree to be responsible for the payment of veterinary fees incurred upon your return. We do recommend that your dog is insured against sickness, accident, injury and third-party liability, and also confirm you will either reimburse the carer or Sussex Pet Sitters any fees or pay the Veterinary Surgery directly, whichever applies.

  19. Although we make every effort to ensure your dog/s is/are cared for to our usual high standards we cannot be liable for loss, injury or death inside or outside of the home.

  20. Photos taken of your dog/s during the service will be the property of Sussex Pet Sitters and the carer and may be shared on our website and social media sites. Should you not wish for your animal's photos to be shared please let us know. Please note no details of your dog's exact walk location will be given out, the security of animals is paramount.

Brucellosis (Brucella) Prevention Policy


  • Canine Brucellosis is an infectious disease in dogs, caused by a bacteria called ‘Brucella canis’.

  • In dogs, it mainly affects the reproductive organs (womb and testicles), causing infertility and pregnancy loss, but it can also travel to the joints and spine, causing lameness and back pain.

  • Brucella canis is common in other countries but historically the UK has been considered free of it.

  • Vets are seeing an increase in cases due to the rise in dogs being imported into the UK.

  • Canine brucellosis is zoonotic, meaning it can also cause illness in humans who have been in contact with infected dogs but fortunately, this is very rare.

  • We must control the spread of canine brucellosis to protect both human and animal health.


Brucella canis travels in reproductive/birthing fluids and tissue, semen (sperm), vaginal discharge (including blood during a season), and milk. It also travels in urine, blood, poo, saliva and snot, however, these fluids seem to be less infectious.


The most common way for a dog to catch brucellosis is by:

  • Mating with an infected dog.

  • Licking/eating/sniffing infected birthing fluids from an infected dog – once an infected dog has given birth or miscarried, she will continue to shed large amounts of Brucella canis bacteria in her vaginal fluids/discharge for 4-6 weeks.

  • Sniffing or licking the genitals of an infected dog, especially female dogs in season.

  • Puppies can catch it in the womb or through contaminated milk if their mother is infected.

Less common (but still possible) ways for a dog to catch brucellosis is by:

  • Coming into contact with infected urine or blood.

  • Contact with saliva, poo or snot.

  • From an environment that has had infectious material such as birthing fluids or tissue in it. An environment can stay contaminated for several months.


Policy Statement:

1. Screening Requirement: All dogs entering the Daycare centre or boarding with SPS who have been imported or live with imported dogs must undergo a brucellosis screening test conducted by a licensed veterinarian. Also, dogs with a history of travel to high-risk regions or known exposure to the disease should be screened before admission.

2. Vaccination Recommendation: While the Brucellosis vaccine is not considered a core vaccine, dog owners are encouraged to discuss the option of vaccination with their veterinarian, especially for dogs at higher risk of exposure.

3. Health Monitoring: Doggie Daycare and SCDT will implement regular health monitoring protocols to detect any signs of illness or infectious diseases, including Brucellosis, among the dogs in our care.

4. Hygiene Practices: Strict hygiene practices will be followed, including regular cleaning and disinfection of facilities, equipment, and common areas to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

5. Reporting and Response: In the event of a suspected or confirmed case of Brucellosis at SCDT, the centre will notify the local veterinary authority, implement isolation protocols for the infected dog, and communicate with other dog owners about the potential exposure.

6. Education and Awareness: Dog owners will be educated about the signs, symptoms, and prevention of Brucellosis, as well as the importance of disease control measures in Daycare.

7. Compliance with Regulations: Doggie Daycare and SCDT will comply with all relevant regulations and guidelines set forth by veterinary authorities and industry organizations to ensure the health and safety of the dogs in our care.


This policy is designed to help our Doggie Daycare Centre, Training Centre and Petsitters Homes to prevent the spread of Brucellosis and other infectious diseases, promote the health and well-being of the dogs in our care, and maintain a safe and hygienic environment for all.

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